Last Updated moments ago at 11:24 AM
Top 50 Short Squeeze Candidate
The Lovesac Company

SqueezeLine Score
Short Float:17.42%
Float:12.25 million
Shares Short:2.13 million
Shares Outstanding:14.85 million
Short % of Outstanding:14.37%
Average Volume:204,325
Short Ratio:10.44
200-day Trend:Price ▲ Volume ▲
Top Analyst Recommendations

With a SqueezeLine score of 8.8, LOVE has a very good chance of squeezing higher and is one of the top short squeeze candidates. A short float of 17% is significant, but not incredibly high. The 200-day price and volume are both in an uptrend, which is generally bullish. With a low float like this, a little bit of volume can move this stock significantly. A short ratio of 10.44 means it would take approximately 10 days to fully cover the short position, based on the recent average volume of 204,325.